Friday, March 2, 2012

Remove Computer Account from All Domain controllers using PowerShell


If you are using Active Directory environment in you infrastructure then you does the one thing for sure , remove / add computers to the domain.

Some times when you format user computer and add it again to the Domain it gives an error that "Computer Already exists in the domain". Or you can say that you have multiple remote offices and syncing / replication between those  all DC's are slow  and you need to delete that computer from All DC including the local and remote domain Controllers.

I wrote this small script which delete the provided "computer" in to all DC which is on you replicated Server List. Before running this script make sure you have "Active Directory" module installed.

This script works for me and hope this works for you too.

You can Download the script from here :

## make sure you have Active Directory Moudle Installed ##
# Import Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# Variables
       $computer = $env:Computername     # Computername which you want to use
       $localdc = "Dc-XXXX"               # Chnage with ur local DC
       $credentials = Get-Credential   # This should be Admin Credentials
# AD  
       $ADResult = (Get-ADComputer -Filter {cn -like $computer}  -Server "$localdc" -Credential $credentials  ).name -eq $computer
       $dclist = (Get-ADDomain -Server "$localdc" -Credential $credentials).ReplicaDirectoryServers   
       $arrDc = @()
       foreach ($obj in $dclist) {
       $nlist = $obj.Replace("`","")  # Replace with your Domain Name
       $arrDc += $nlist
# If you want to remove it from AD remove -wahtif and un-commnted -confirm:$false
       if ($ADResult -eq $true) {      
       Write-Host -ForegroundColor  Red "$computer exists in AD, I am going to remove it"
       foreach ( $dc in $arrdc) {
              Remove-ADComputer -Identity "$computer"  -Server $dc  -Credential $credentials  -whatif  #-confirm:$false
              write-host $([char]7)
              write-Host "$computer is deleted on $dc " -ForegroundColor Green
## ENd of Script##### a m a n   d h a l l y ________                
02-03-2012 15-35-04

You can Download the script from here :

Thanks for Reading.
New Delhi PowerShell User Group
Aman Dhally


  1. You don't need to delete the account from every domain controller, nor do you really need to specify one. All you need to do is run the remove-adobject cmdlet and you will automatically connect to the nearest DC. The domain controllers will replicate the change. I think you are asking for replication errors if you try to remove the object from multiple domain controllers all at once.

    This is also the type of script where you can benefit from cmdlet binding and parameters. You can turn on -Whatif

    [string]$computer = $env:Computername,
    [string]$localdc = "Dc-XXXX",
    $credentials = Get-Credential

    Now if you run the script

    .\delcomp.ps1 computer1 -whatif

    All the cmdlets that support -WhatIf will automatically use -Whatif

    1. Thanks for the Suggestion Jeffery.

      But the Problem arise when you just reformat your Laptop. and before joining it to domain you need to specify the domain controller to remove the account first to add it again.

      for example:
      if we planning to automated the Domain Joining after reformatting of the laptops then this scripts helps ,, isnt ?

      thanks for you post Jeffery Hicks.


  2. I went back and re-read your intro. I understand why you think you need to delete from all DCs but I still think you are asking for trouble. If you delete it from the DC in the site where you are adding the computer, that should be sufficient. Or perhaps this is a sign that you should look into your replication topology.

    1. 100% agreed with you "Jeffery Hicks", This is because of Replication Problems. and we are working on it..

      and yes if we delete a computer from one DC it will be deleted from all DC.

      In our scenario we have some remote offices where we have connectivity issues, so I wrote this script because it quite fast and i am ensure that computer account is deleted from all DCs :)

      thanks Jeffery


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