Wednesday, November 25, 2015

PowerShell & Microsoft Word 2016 : Get the name of Active printer in Word 2016


In the previous blog  post, we have see that how can we enable / disable the view of the recent files.

If you have some users, those move from one regional office to other, and if they keep complaining about that their word is too slow and often crash while give print, then it's the issue with printer setup, they may have the  active printer which sits in another office which the user may visit once or often.

My task was to find the active printer in the Microsoft Word. I thought it may be difficult, but rather it was easy, I just need to use the ActivePrinter property of the our $word variable.






That's all, the complete code is :

$word = New-Object -ComObject "Word.Application"

$word.Visible = $true



Thanks for your time and see you in next blog post.


Aman Dhally - Manya Kaur


With Regards.
Aman Dhally
If you like, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook. You can also check my “You Tube channel for PowerShell video tutorials. You can download all of my scripts from “Microsoft TechNet Gallery”.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

PowerShell & Microsoft Word 2016 : Enabling / Disabling display of recent files in Word 2016 using PowerShell.


In the previous blog post, we have seem that how can we show Word Clipboard using PowerShell.

Now, the things are getting heated . Now my next task is to enable and disable the display of recent files in the Word 2016.

Crazy! No!

But, I manage to do it.

By default, Word 2016, show you the list of Recent files. I am task to make it off using PowerShell.

before disabled

And I manage to do this, by using.....

$word.DisplayRecentFiles = $false ; 

Simple and Cool no!

In the below screenshot you can see that, there is no recently opened files.


The complete code is .

$word = New-Object -ComObject "Word.Application"

$word.Visible = $true

$word.DisplayRecentFiles = $false ; 


:)  hell Yah!


Note : The above only works if you open Word document using code, if you open word separately, you will see the recent files.


Aman Dhally - Manya Kaur

With Regards.
Aman Dhally
If you like, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook. You can also check my “You Tube channel for PowerShell video tutorials. You can download all of my scripts from “Microsoft TechNet Gallery”.

Monday, November 23, 2015

PowerShell & Microsoft Word 2016 : Opening Clipboard in Word 2016 using PowerShell.


In the previous blog posts, we have seem that how can we set the zoom view of a document.

Ok!, this task seems to be tricky one, they ( those wizards), asked me to open Word Clipboard!!!! What!!!!!!

Yes, they asked me if I can open a word clipboard using PowerShell.

At , first , it seems to be a tough job for me , but, you do remember that PowerShell is easy? Yes?

After few hit and tries, I have found it out, it's veryyyyyy simple. Word COM object have a method  by the name of ShowClipboard ( ) .



The complete code is :


$word = New-Object -ComObject "Word.Application"

$word.Visible = $true


Aman Dhally - Manya Kaur

Now' let's see, what will be the next challenge may be!

Aman Dhally - Manya Kaur

With Regards.
Aman Dhally
If you like, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook. You can also check my “You Tube channel for PowerShell video tutorials. You can download all of my scripts from “Microsoft TechNet Gallery”.