Monday, January 7, 2013

Uninstalling Windows Features using Powershell V3


In my previous post i posted about on “How to install windows features” using powershell v3. Today i am about to post about how to un-install them.

The un-installation of windows features using powershell quite easy as installing them.

Let’s start.

Lets check if we still have “XPS-Viewer” installed as feature on our windows 8 server machine.,

Get-WindowsFeature -Name "XPS-Viewer"

So XPS-Viewer is still installed.

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Now lets uninstall it using the cmdlet “Uninstall-WindowsFeature”

run  Uninstall-WindowsFeature” with -Name parameter and provide the name of the windows feature which you want to uninstall.

Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name "XPS-Viewer"


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Now it start removing “XPC-Viewer”

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one all done this will show the success windows. you can see in the command line output the value of Success is True.

07-01-2013 15-56-13

to cross check the un-installation lets run  Get-WindowsFeature -Name "XPS-Viewer" again.

and the you can see there is no [x] boxed in the front of the “XPS Viewer” and the install state is available.

07-01-2013 15-56-31


Aman Dhally


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